Jasba almost always used white clay. There is a range of distinct marks help to identify many Jasba items. Marks are a mixture of incised and embossed.
The easiest to identify include the Jasba name on the base. This is also sometimes included within a raised square (note sometimes the raised square just states West Germany, which is also distinctive of Jasba items).
Jasba also had an extensive number of items that formed “N” Series. These are distinticive of Jasba as the numbers commence with an “N”.
Some items however have more traditional markings and are more difficult to distinguish as Jasba.
Jasba vases were marked with a range of different labels, ranging from wax moulded labels through to metal foil and paper stickers.
- Jasba Label – Form and Farbe
- Jasba Label – Gold Foil Oval
- Jasba Label – Orange Circle
- Jasba Label – Wax Label
- Jasba Label – Boxed Item
- Jasba Label – Rumtopf