
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava

Jasba – Identification

Jasba almost always used white clay. There is a range of distinct marks help to identify many Jasba items. Marks are a mixture of incised and embossed.

The easiest to identify include the Jasba name on the base. This is also sometimes included within a raised square (note sometimes the raised square just states West Germany, which is also distinctive of Jasba items).
Jasba Base - Jasba OvalJasba Base - Jasba OvalJasba Base - Jasba Square

Jasba also had an extensive number of items that formed  “N” Series. These are distinticive of Jasba as the numbers commence with an “N”.
Jasba Base - N Series

Some items however have more traditional markings and are more difficult to distinguish as Jasba.
Jasba Base - W Germany

Jasba vases were marked with a range of different labels, ranging from wax moulded labels through to metal foil and paper stickers.

