Of all the West German manufacturers more is known about the glazes of Ceramano than any other because so many of the items had the glaze decor named on the base. There are 100’s of known glazes.
Toscana was one of the most produced decors by Ceramano and therefore presumably one of their best selling and most popular.
One of their most famous glazes is the Stromboli decor where red lava drips over a black base glaze.
Syrakuse is another popular Ceramano glaze.
The gallery below shows a small selection of Ceramano decors.
- Ceramano – Elba
- Ceramano – Mendoza
- Ceramano 1665
- Ceramano Granat
- Ceramano Arctis
- Ceramano Hathor
- Ceramano Royal (Form rather than glaze name)
- Ceramano Adria
- Ceramano
- Ceramano Minerva
- Ceramano – Agina
Ceramano would often modify decors and retain the same name. This means that the same decor can often be found in many variants. In some cases this may be a method for dating an item.