May 6, 2015
by Aidan@Potsandpots
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April 17, 2015
by Aidan@Potsandpots
West German Pottery Spotted (41) – “Miranda” TV Show
The TV show Miranda has twice previously featured on West German pottery Spotted, with West German vases spread throughout the shop in Series 1 (see blog here) and a in Series 2 there was a big Dumler & Breiden lamp in the restaurant (see blog here).
Series 3 has kept up this pattern and a Scheurich vase with Fabiola décor can be seen in the restaurant during episode 5 (Three Little words).
April 9, 2015
by Aidan@Potsandpots
West German Pottery Spotted (40) – The Golden Child Film
A big thank you to one of our friends who managed to spot a West German Rumtopf in the 1986 film – The Golden Child. The film according to IMDb is about “a private detective specializing in missing children is charged with the task of finding a special child who dark forces want to eliminate”.
You can see some more information on Rumtopfs and some recipes at one of our earlier blogs here.
March 22, 2015
by Aidan@Potsandpots
Easter Tree/Branch – West German Pottery Style
The Germans seem to celebrate Easter much more than us Brits. Driving around Germany in the weeks prior to easter you cannot avoid seeing lots of Easter trees and branches. Some within peoples houses, others in gardens. We decided to bring this tradition back to England and we have our very own Easter branch, decked out with eggs and chick bought in Germany and naturally sitting within a West German vase!
February 24, 2015
by Aidan@Potsandpots
Website Updates – Bay
As we said at the start of the year in our new years resolutions post we are trying to get the website updated with the many photos we still need to add. The Bay Keramik page has now been updated with over 50 brand new forms and some new stickers. A small number of examples are show below and all the updates can be found on the Bay pages.
- Bay Label – Free of Lead – Used on practical cookware
- Bay Label – Metalic
- Bay Label – Original Design Foil
- Bay – Unmarked
- Bay 931-30
- Bay 610-40
- Bay 598-40
- Bay 605-25
- Bay 566-30
- Bay 76-50
- Bay 70-20
- Bay 441