
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava

October 27, 2011
by Aidan@Potsandpots
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WGP Spotted (1) – “Mary Gilliatt’s New Guide to Decorating” Book

This should hopefully be the first of a series of “WGP Spotted” posts. The criteria for entries is spotting West German Pottery appearing somewhere it might not normally be expected – for example on a TV show, in a magazine or in an unusual location.

This first entry comes courtesy of “Mary Gilliatt’s New Guide to Decorating” book. This book published in 1988 features a Scheurich vase in the “Post-Modernism” section.

Mary Gilliatt's New Guide to Decorating Front Cover Mary Gilliatt's New Guide to Decorating Book West German Fat Lava Mary Gilliatt's New Guide to Decorating 1988 Scheurich Vase

I think that it is form 200 or 205  and is decorated in a decor called Lora. If you imagine the form of the 1st photo below and the decor of the 2nd item .

SCheurich Fat Lava Lora Decor West German Ceramics Pottery Vase        


October 26, 2011
by Aidan@Potsandpots

West German Pottery – Price Trends – Sep 2011

The aim is to monitor the changing value of West German pottery through analysis of UK eBay sales. The intention is that this will provide a barometer for the popularity/desirability of Fat lava items.

The first installment of this analysis is shown below. The average sale price is £13.29 and the average of the top 20% of the most expensive items is £47.38 during September 2011.

Price Trends for West German Fat Lava Pottery Ceramics September 2011

The boring bit, this analysis is based on:
  • Completed eBay listings
  • Items from the pottery and porcelain category
  • Search for key words (including 27 company names and general terms such as West German and Fat Lava)
  • UK based sales
  • Sales price excluding postage (from November 2012 analysis has included postage costs to give a truer reflection of actual values)
  • The most recent 100 sales from that month are included
The average figure is calculated based on the average of the sale price excluding the 10% mots expensive and least expensive sales. This means of calculating the average should provide a more robust average from which to monitor trends.
The top 20% sales figure is based on the average sale price of the top 20% most expensive sales. This should provide an indication of trends in the most desirable West German Pottery.

October 8, 2011
by Aidan@Potsandpots
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First Ever Blog!

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