
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava

April 9, 2012
by Aidan@Potsandpots

West German Pottery – Price Trends – March 2012

Sale prices on eBay have been investigated to look at West German Pottery price trends.  The aim is to monitor the changing value of Fat Lava pottery through analysis of UK eBay sales. The intention is that this will provide a barometer for the popularity/desirability of Fat Lava items.

March 2012 has seen a slight fall compared with the previous month. The average sales price was £9.96 (previous month £12.01). The top 20% most expensive Fat Lava items average sale price was £25.17 (previous month £27.61). These are the lowest sale values since monitoring started 7 months earlier.

A plant pot, the same as the one shown below was the highest priced selling item within the sample taken.

Carstens 7098-18 Plant Pot West German Pottery Fat Lava Vintage

Carstens 7098-18 Plant Pot West German

To see more detail on how the values are calculated click here.


March 27, 2012
by Aidan@Potsandpots

Practical Use (5) – Plant Pots

Most West German pottery companies made Plant Plots and today they can be found in all shapes and sizes. Some stand out as clearly retro in design but a surprising number would not look out of place alongside modern ranges. We have a collection of cacti that enjoy our West German plant pots and at the moment we also have amaryllis bulbs too which we get at Christmas each year but then always seem to take an age to get growing. The plants and plant pots have even spread out the house to our places of work! A selection of photos of some of our plants (in West German plant pots) are shown below.

A new gallery area has been added to the Pots and Pots website featuring over 75 Fat Lava plant pots (click here) as well as a page showing how to identify the different plant pot manufacturers (click here).

March 25, 2012
by Aidan@Potsandpots

WGP Spotted (14) – “Bargain Hunt” TV Show March 2012

This is the fourth time that we have spotted WGP on Bargain Hunt (for previous episodes with Fat Lava pottery see herehere and here). This latest episode was spotted when broadcast on the 20th March 2012 (it was originally aired on 24th June 2011). You can see the episode (Series 29, Episode 21) for a limited time of the BBC iPlayer(only available until the 27th of March 2012).

Bargain Hunt Fat Lava West German Pottery - Series 29, Episode 21: Peterborough

Bargain Hunt Fat Lava West German Pottery - Series 29, Episode 21: Peterborough

The episode was based in Peterborough. The contestants bought a West German vase, shown below, for £38.

Bargain Hunt Fat Lava West German Pottery - Series 29, Episode 21: Peterborough

Bargain Hunt Fat Lava West German Pottery

Unfortunately at the auction sale interest was in more traditional antiques and the item struggled selling for just £18, making the team a £20 loss.

Bargain Hunt Fat Lava West German Pottery - Series 29, Episode 21: Peterborough

Bargain Hunt Fat Lava West German Pottery

The vase was made by Bay, the same form with a different decor is shown below.

Bay 66-25 Red and Black Fat Lava West German Pottery Vase

Bay 66-25

March 1, 2012
by Aidan@Potsandpots

West German Pottery – Price Trends – Feb 2012

Sale prices on eBay have been investigated to look at West German Pottery price trends.  The aim is to monitor the changing value of Fat Lava pottery through analysis of UK eBay sales. The intention is that this will provide a barometer for the popularity/desirability of Fat Lava items.

February 2012 has seen a general leveling off of prices following the sharp slump in West German pottery sale prices during the previous month. The average sales price was £12.01 (previous month £12.45). The top 20% most expensive Fat Lava items average sale price was £27.61 (previous month £32.03). These are the lowest sale values since monitoring started 6 months earlier.

To see more detail on how the values are calculated click here.

West German Pottery Sale Prices February 2012 Fat Lava Value