
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava

July 12, 2013
by Aidan@Potsandpots

West German Pottery – Price Trends – June 2013

Sale prices on eBay have been analysed to evaluate West German Pottery price trends. The aim is to monitor the changing value of Fat Lava pottery through analysis of UK eBay sales. The intention is that this will provide a barometer for the popularity/desirability of Fat Lava items.

The average sale price (plus postage) of West German pottery items during June 2013 was £25.47 , up from the previous month (£19.18).

The top 20% most expensive Fat Lava items average sale price (plus postage) was £98.46, almost unchanged from the previous month (£94.22) . This is the 3rd highest value over the 22 months since analysis commenced.
West german Fat Lava Ebay Value Sale Price Worth
To see more detail on how the values are calculated click here.


June 21, 2013
by Aidan@Potsandpots

Website Updates – ES Keramik

As part of the ongoing website updates – The ES Keramik gallery page has been updated, the 5 new forms which have been added are shown below.  You can view the complete gallery with 19 different ES Keramik forms here. Multiples of the same form number are excluded from the galleries to simplify the pages and make them as user-friendly as possible.

June 19, 2013
by Aidan@Potsandpots

West German Pottery – Price Trends – May 2013

Sale prices on eBay have been analysed to evaluate West German Pottery price trends. The aim is to monitor the changing value of Fat Lava pottery through analysis of UK eBay sales. The intention is that this will provide a barometer for the popularity/desirability of Fat Lava items.

The average sale price (plus postage) of West German pottery items during May 2013 was £19.18, down from the previous month (£22.79).

The top 20% most expensive Fat Lava items average sale price (plus postage) was £94.22, down on the peak value recorded last month but still the 3rd highest value over the 21 months since analysis commenced.

Each month 100 sale prices are sampled, over 2,000 prices have been recorded so far. This month saw the highest recorded sale price for a single vase, a yellow Roth guitar vase (form 312) which sold for £472 (including postage).

Fat Lava Value How much is West German Pottery Worth

To see more detail on how the values are calculated click here.

June 12, 2013
by Aidan@Potsandpots

West German Pottery Spotted (29) – ‘Michael Hogben’s 101 Antiques of the Future’ Book

Michael Hogben’s 101 Antiques of the Future book which was published in 2007 features West German pottery amongst an interesting range of collectables selected to feature in the publication.

The West German vase photographs are perhaps not the most inspiring and they could maybe have taken greater heed to one of their “top tips” for which is to “go for the most brightly coloured vases and jugs”. Fat lava is however given a very positive write up with the headline “Do you want to invest in the next ‘big thing’ in the ceramics category? Then look no further than West German ceramics from the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s”.

May 20, 2013
by Aidan@Potsandpots

West German Pottery – Price Trends – April 2013

Sale prices on eBay have been analysed to evaluate West German Pottery price trends. The aim is to monitor the changing value of Fat Lava pottery through analysis of UK eBay sales. The intention is that this will provide a barometer for the popularity/desirability of Fat Lava items.

The average sale price (plus postage) of West German pottery items during April 2013 was £22.79 down very slightly from the previous month (£23.13).

The top 20% most expensive Fat Lava items average sale price (plus postage) has surged to £149.37, the highest level recorded since analysis started 20 months earlier. This major increase in recorded values can be partly attributed to the high quality of fat lava items sold during April, including a number of sought after Roth, Ruscha and Otto items.
West German Pottery Sale Prices April 2013 Fat Lava eBay