August 13, 2013
by Aidan@Potsandpots
Sale prices on eBay have been analysed to evaluate West German Pottery price trends. The aim is to monitor the changing value of Fat Lava pottery through analysis of UK eBay sales. The intention is that this will provide a barometer for the popularity/desirability of Fat Lava items.
The average sale price (plus postage) of West German pottery items during July 2013 was £18.35 , down from the previous month (£25.47).
The top 20% most expensive Fat Lava items average sale price (plus postage) was £67.37, down from the previous month (£98.46) .
This fall in prices could be due to a lack of high quality Fat Lava items been sold within the 100 items sampled.
![West German Pottery Sale Prices July 2013 Fat Lava eBay Prices](
To see more detail on how the values are calculated click here.